Saturday, June 14, 2008

Go To The Mattresses

You know how life gets a little busy, a little sad, a little happy, a little fun and a little full? It seem like it’s a combination of those things day in and day out. And while all this is great, wanna know what makes it even better? The “Go To’s.” You know, the people in life that you “go to” when something is happenings.

I’ve gotta tell you, my GT’s are probably some of the best known to man. They seriously rock it. Whether it’s a professional frustration, a personal drama, a love life complication, good news or someone to just kick it with, I’ve got some phenomenal ones.

A lot of my GT’s are in the form of my family---basically because they are the best. Sometimes it’s my mom, sometimes it’s my sister (big or little) and sometimes it’s one of my cousin-friends. (Love you guys!) I look at the family that I have and think “Man I’m lucky.” Sure, we’ve got our crazies and situations, but who doesn’t? That’s what makes family family.

I also have some great GT friends. Some are from my growing up days (which technically I’m still in those days-not sure if they’ll ever come to a close), some are from my college years and some are from my last few years working a grown-up job. I’ve only known my Missoula GTs/BFF’s for about a year, but it’s weird to imagine not having them in my life before now.

Another one of my GT’s is music. When I’m feeling blah about things I call on The Clinton’s and their song “Dance Slow.” (Check them out at I love that song. It reminds me that life is good, love is real and music brings it all together.

To all of my Go To’s, you rock. Thanks for being you. For all of those with GT’s in your life, you’re lucky. For those that need GT’s, I hope you find them. And if you’re ever in need of a good bossing, I’m definitely your GT.


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