Thursday, September 6, 2007

Circling the Airport

Alright, how many of you feel or have recently felt like you have been circling the airport? Go ahead and raise your hand. No need to be embarrassed, at least not in my company. My hand’s been up for a while now. Actually so long that it’s starting to cramp.

Okay, go ahead and put your hand down. Now ask yourself this question: “What is more boring than circling the airport waiting for clearance to land?” Your answer should be, “Well Tia, nothing. That is the most boring thing I can think of.” Touché.

I know that for me circling is especially frustrating because after I’ve been in the air for so long, all I really want to do is land. Now I’m not saying that it needs to be a permanent landing, but I tell you what, I sure wouldn’t mind having a layover or two or seven along the way. You know, just to get off the plane, make a few phone calls and see what it’s like to have my feet back on solid ground.

During the past month or so, I was doing a lot of circling. And I tell you what, I didn’t like it one bit. It seriously frustrated me to no end. But luckily for me, the flight tower saw that the plane I was on needed a break to refuel, switch pilots and give me a break. The brief reprieve was beneficial for everyone on our flight, especially me. It allowed me to readjust to a normal altitude, stretch my legs and put things back into perspective. Whew.

And as for now, I’m back up in the air making my way to somewhere else. And according to the pilot, the weather looks clear and we should have a smooth flight. At least until the next landing. Until then...wish me luck. I need it.

1 comment:

Panda said...

Hope you're in first class. I love you!