Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My Heart

So once again I find myself drifting back to the topic of love and life and I wonder, why do I always come back to this? But I think the answer lies in my heart.

Ever since I was a tow-headed, blue-eyed, dimpled baby, I have had a personality that cares about people. I think some of this came naturally and some of it came from the way I was raised and loved by the people in my life.

And ever since I was a little missy toddling around, I have worn my heart on my sleeve. And because of this marvelous and frustrating characteristic, it doesn’t take long to tell how I’m feeling. And trust me, it’s not like I want you all to know how I am feeling all the time (just some of the time;))…it’s just that I can’t help it!

Frankly, I want to be in charge and in control of my emotions. Sometimes I do well in this effort and at other times, I don’t do so well. Woops. Which can get tricky because the “tough girl” in me really wants to hide the times I am hurting and the fact that I can’t do this—and instead have my heart out there for all to see—really makes me mad and makes me want to fight people.

But at the end of the day, I know that no matter what momentary “crisis” I am in or how sad I may be, I know it’s all going to be okay. Because these experiences I have are part of my life and part of the person I am working to be.

Plus, deep down, I am a lover, not a fighter. And the lover in me is always going to continue on, with a smile on my face and a twinkle in my eyes thinking of what’s next to come.

So, to you I say, bring it on.


adorable pearsons said...

what the crap? you have a blog and don't even tell...oh I am bringing it alright! Just kidding. I had so much fun reading over your blog. You are so stinking cute and I could just squeeze you. Get down here and see me so I can do just that. I sure love ya!

adorable pearsons said...

what? so I am commenting twice- there is nothing wrong with that. But I must say I have now ready your front page of your blog and I am ADDICTED! You are such a good writer! You just won a ticket on "blogs that I stalk list"..congrats!

Carol said...

Hey Tia-this is Carol Gneiting. Nice blog! You are a great writeer. I think I may become one of your blog stalkers! So whats new? Hollie and I both have blogs. Check them out at and
When did Patty get married? Have a great day and tell your family hi for me.